12 cheap purchases to boost your productivity
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In this video, I share 12 simple things I’ve bought that help me be more productive, and they all cost less than $20. Enjoy x
Bullet journal: https://geni.us/bulletjournalunder20
Magic whiteboard: https://geni.us/magicwhiteboardpaper
A3 pad: https://geni.us/a3pad
Sharpies: https://geni.us/sharpieset
Sticky notes: https://geni.us/stickynotesset
Water bottle: https://geni.us/timewaterbottle
Foam roller: https://geni.us/foamrollershort
Make Time: https://geni.us/maketimebook
Candle: https://geni.us/vanillacandle
In-tray: https://geni.us/intray
Waste basket: https://geni.us/wastebasket
How to Build the Ultimate Productivity System: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6hmdrsLQj8&t=65s
10 cheap purchases that have improved my life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_5poMWS-L4
Productivity myths that are wasting your time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qc4GU_wHdqw
7 Side Hustle Ideas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4V2ZwgJw62I&t=343s
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If we haven’t yet before – Hey 👋 I’m Ali, a doctor-turned-entrepreneur and I’ve somehow become the world’s most followed productivity expert. Through my videos here on this channel, my podcast Deep Dive and writing, I share evidence-based strategies and tools to help you be more productive and build a life you love.
PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I get a kickback from 😜
00:00 Intro
00:09 Bullet journal
01:00 Magic whiteboard
01:55 A3 pad
02:24 Sharpies
03:21 Sticky notes
06:15 Water bottle
07:07 Foam roller
08:51 Make Time
09:54 Candle
12:19 In-tray
13:33 Waste basket
Your comment "Everybody gets back pain sitting at a desk for 8 hours" makes me think you need a better chair. Not everybody gets back pain.
Don’t do this! Get real plants! They improve your air quality and they are much nicer. There are some which are almost unkillable.
you are very good in spiriting me to continue my work
An Amazon box is a great way to recycle into your own papers bin for your desk. It’s usually the right size for me, and it’s easy to use as a semi regularly emptied bin (like I have yet to empty my current one and it is over a year old.. but that’s me).
They’re usually about the size of the wicker basket bin, but they are flatter instead of taller.
Anyways, maybe this will help some people out.
Whats Holding the sharpie
im still trying to add a video chatroom to my website using ghost but ive not yet had any replies…?
Also with the candle it’s a type of smell therapy, so essentially when your body associates a certain smell with work, when you smell the specific smell, your brain just automatically turns on.
Hi, may I please ask where you purchased your chair from? Many Thanks
from my research, it seems like you should never foam roll your lower back xD
I love your videos. Thank you!
I would like to suggest simple pieces if paper with gluetag
This is definitely not for those who follow minimalistic lifestyle 😉
Soy candles best ✌️
I feel like this is just a list of toys to play with while acting productive. While real productivity is like grinding for hours like putting 40Hs every week. Sorry for being so rude. But that is what is it.
I’m sorry, but having a fake plastic plant on your desk and then citing the real benefits of having actual living plant in your space, is like having a stuffed dog toy and saying, yeah, dogs bring so much happiness and joy to their owners, but this way it’s cheaper and you don’t have to take so much care …. The point is that it’s a real living thing, not something that looks like it.
My favorite thing about this video is how much you smile about each and every thing you showed because it shows how passionate you are about them. It was super refreshing 😊
Check out the free trial with Shopify using this link – http://shopify.com/aliabdaal
Another awesome video! Thank you!
Thanks for making me to waste my time.
Thank you Ali! I love post its & the in bin. I am so grateful that I already do those things that you mentioned to boost my productivity ❤
the pen flick at 2:56 was so smooth! i love that bro hahah
Ome remark regarding the book "Make Time" 09:10:
It says right at the very beginning that this book is NOT about productivity.
Increased my productivity by watching this stupid 15 min video in 2 min..
How waste bin can increase our productivity?
Total side note: I never click on videos based on their thumbnail, I always read titles. And I logged into Youtube to get some Chill LoFi tunes going while I work. But I saw this thumbnail with the Peel Tear Stick box and couldn’t help myself. I clearly have no self-control, and my resistance against your thumbnail design is futile lol GJ!!
Money has to be there to purchase things 😂 so watching this video made me realize no money means no playing around things 😂
You are so cute! I would love to have you my friend! ☺️
great tips thank you
That pen trick at 2:57
fake plant LOL
supposed content creating guru spends half the video too far from the mic 🙄
I finally found his secret sauce… Ali Abdaal is so raw ❤
Foam roller EVERY day before creative work, and please never stop referring to urine as “wee.” It’s so cute and also keep talking about calling your grandma. 😊😊😊
Ali, I was watching this at 2x speed (I do a lot of watching that way to save time) and making notes. And on the water section, I thought you said, "If you look at the color of your weenie, it’s supposed to be basically colorless." I immediately switched from my Notes app back to the video, because I thought in a split second that I must have some kind of rare chromapenile cancer. It was on the color chart, and I thought, "Hey, at least I don’t have a blue or green one." And that’s when I realized you said "wee wee." Anyway, I hope my confession made you laugh.
So you have a bujo video?
I use tennis balls. 🙂
Can you show us how you brainstorm?
Handy tips! ❤
i love that your ideal background music is things like lord of the rings and pirates of the Caribbean 👌👌❤❤
Bro can you speak little slowly😅
your losing your british accent ever so slowly. canda used to have its own accent thanks to American media for 50 straight years we now sound the same
A good management helping guide video ❤
In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. Find the fun and… snap! The job’s a game! # Mary Poppins
Note on candles: Please burn only beeswax candles. They clean the air rather than release toxic chemicals into the air, as paraffin does. Check it out!
Didn’t know about the magic whiteboard too cool ty!
watchin the video and then lookin around me reminds me how ive those stuff around my setup unintentionally but then realising they kinda helps as to what i do lol
Another thing I do is to empty out the envelopes for bills and statements and letters etc, and then recycle them as they arrive in the bin by the kitchen trash bin (removing any plastic windows from them) and recycle the extra pieces that I don’t need to keep. The rest goes into the front file (inbox) of a bin on my desk and then about once a month or so, I sort out the contents into the other folders in that bin for storage as they’re more convenient and active things than the other files in the storage space. Those get accessed once a year and then the last possible year of tax needs are removed and decluttering of the rest happens again. If any of the active files have been archived they get added to the storage area. Everything from the last few decades (medical records and other important documents) fits into a small moving box that is in a out of the way spot. I like the system so far.